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Public Health: Health Care Administration

Find HCA Articles

Use the following databases to find healthcare administration resources.

If an article you want isn't available in full text, you can request it for free from Interlibrary Loan

Find HCA Books

Find physical books or e-books using the search box below. Try searching by subject, keyword, author, or title. 

NOTE: Some sources may use "healthcare" (one word) while others use "health care" (separated). It is recommended to try both terms.



Most current Health Care Administration books are available online.

To browse physical holdings in the Cravens Library, look for the call number ranges below:

  • Medical Informatics R858-R859.7 
  • Health Boards RA5, RA11-RA388 
  • Health Planning RA394.9-RA395 
  • Health Status Indicators/Medical Statistics & Surveys RA407-RA409.5 
  • Provisions for Medical Care/Health Plans RA411-RA415 
  • World Health RA441
  • Medical Centers RA960-RA100.5 
  • Hospital & Health Facility Administration RA971+ 

ILL for Books

Can't find the book you're looking for? Visit our Interlibrary Loan page to request a copy at no cost to you. Wait times may vary for physical materials.

Note: Textbooks are not available through ILL.

Not sure how ILL works? Using Interlibrary Loan for Books (Video Tutorial)

Contact Your Librarian

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Brooke Gross
Helm Library Room 2018