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Applied Human Sciences: Hospitality Management & Dietetics

Trigger Warning - Diet and Food Language

NOTE: Content related to these disciplines may be triggering for some students. Resources may contain language related to dieting, weight management, eating habits, etc. If you're struggling with an eating disorder or any other mental health issue, we encourage you to contact WKU's Counseling Center.

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Use the resources below to find scholarly articles, career information, statistics, facts and figures, etc. Some of our databases may be more suited to scholarly research, containing full-text information and/or academic journals, while others are helpful for learning about related industries.

Find HMD Books

Scholarly books are much longer than articles and they provide more depth and context. You can find physical books or e-books using the search box below. Try searching by subject, keyword, author, or title. 



To browse the library's collection of physical books, check out the following call numbers:

Subject Call # Range
Foods and Food Supply
Cookery TX642-TX840
Dining Room Service TX851-TX885
Hospitality Industry
Hotels, Clubs, etc.
Food Service

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Brooke Gross
Helm Library Room 2018