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Environmental, Sustainability, and Geographic Studies (EEAS): GEOG 226

Department of Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences

Instruction - Spring 2023

Useful Data Sources

All the National Weather Service offices offer publicly available data like climatological observations, local records, and climate prediction. Some offices also have event stories pages for significant weather events. You may have to Google the office and the event to find one.

Helpful Guides

Notable Slides


  Questions to ask yourself
Current When was it created / last updated?
Relevant Who is the target audience?
Authority Who is the author? Who is the publisher? What are their credentials?
Accurate Spelling / grammar errors? Citations? Peer-reviewed?
Purpose Any bias? What is it trying to do? Sell, Tell a story, etc.


STEM Librarian (Assistant Professor)

Profile Photo
Ashley Orehek Rossi
Ashley.Orehek [at] (Email or Teams)
Commons at Helm Library 2016