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Marketing: Find Articles & More

Resources for marketing research at WKU

Find Articles

Academic articles contain original research on a narrow topic. They are usually peer-reviewed and are published in scholarly journals. 

To find articles on your topic, use keywords to search in one of the databases listed below. For additional help, check out our tutorial on finding scholarly / peer-reviewed articles.

If the article you want isn't available in full text you can request it for free from Interlibrary Loan

Find Background Information

Background information gives you a general overview of a topic and is a great way to find keywords and learn basic concepts. You can use Wikipedia, or one of the encyclopedias listed below. 

Find Books

Scholarly books are much longer than articles and they provide more depth and context. You can find physical books or e-books using the search box below. Try searching by subject, keyword, author, or title. 


If you would like to browse the library's collection of physical books, check out the following call numbers (listed below by topic):


 Call # Range


 HF5410- HF5417.5

Export Marketing

 HF1416- HF1416.6



Marketing Research


Consumer Behavior

 HF5415.32- HF5415.33   




 HF5438- HF5439

Find News Articles

News sources can be helpful for discovering a topic or learning about recent developments on an issue. Note that because news covers current events, those events may not be discussed yet in scholarly articles or books, which take longer to publish.

News Databases (search multiple news sources at once):

Specific News Sources:

Contact Your Librarian

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Sara McCaslin
The Commons at Helm Library 2019