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Research Metrics and Scholarly Identity

This guide covers multiple aspects of scholarly communication. Learn what research metrics can be used for, what the most common metrics are and where to find them, how to define a scholarly identity, and how to use different tools to share that identity.

Article-level metrics


  1. Times cited
    • Number of times an article has been cited
    • Note that the number of citations for an article may differ by tool (i.e., Web of Science, Google Scholar, etc.) based on the sources covered by each database, so it is important to check multiple locations
  2. Article views / downloads
    • Represents how many people have seen or read an article
    • They can typically be found on publisher websites or on some pre-print repositories



  • Alternatives to traditional metrics; measure the reach of publications based on the social web
  • Include social bookmarking (i.e.Mendeley), academic blogs, and social media mentions
  • Find on some publisher sites or by using the free “Altmetric It” plug-in